Saturday, December 31, 2005

The post Christmas doldrums..

What a busy winter!
Tons of comedy shows all over the place.
I been to every little oil rich town in northern Alberta, a whack a towns in BC and a few in Alaska for good measure. All in all I have had a great month.
But I am tired and I finally got home the night before christmas... I slept in almost the entire day, then did little else other than go to my sisters for dinner.

I now have three weeks in Vancouver. I can't wait to be busy!

I am headlining the Yuk Yuks this coming week, should be fun, then I got some friends coming in the following week. I will finally get to feel like I live hear for a little bit.

Chat soon, peace in 06,

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Back on the road...

Never a day of rest... Gotta head back to Alberta for more shows this weekend. One in Calgary and one in Edson. A whole lot more drivin in snow than I had planned on... Anyways I gotta perform clean, which kinda bites, cause I always feel they aren't gettin the best show they could, and I always feel a little bad about the perfcormances when they are clean. I don't know why exactly, but people just laugh a whole lot harded when its tittilating...
My fuel pump went on my Passat, i was driving down the road and it just stopped. Of course it happened now that my warranty expired, but it cost me 800 bucks for a freakin fuel pump. Most cars its 300 but make it german and bang, tack five bills onto whatever it normally costs. Merry christmas my luck sucks. Arrrgghhhh...
Wow I feel a little better after venting. Now here are some pics of where I live... Its the one thing that keeps me going how beautiful my neighborhood is.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

A Snowy Night in Vancouver

I walked to and from my gig tonight from my very own apartment. It was snowing lightly and I listened to music the entire way on my phone as I crossed the Burrard street bridge on foot and my eyes scanned all the high rise apartment buildings of our little Manhatten for forgetful models changing in front of glass.

I loved the feeling. This city is just so damn beautiful. The ships all in the harbour, the lights on the ski hills, that park that sleeps a dark green slumber in the midst of the blue tinted glass speckled skyline. Its stunning, I kept thinking of all the travel I have done in my life to so many continents and so many cities of note, its taken me half a lifetime to see what I needed to in the city I left.

Anyways the show was fine tonight, I am looking forward to my corporate for the Brick on Saturday in Edmonton. I fly in and out for one gig, should be fun.

I love my room in my apartment but I have no couch so lets see if I can't get a good deal out of this gig for one...

Hope all is well and everyone had a great thanksgiving(US), and Canadians had a great Grey Cup? Ah whatever. Ciao
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