Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Just some random thoughts today...

I took an Ambien so I am on a countdown clock as to when I will drop teeth and nose to keyboard and have no discernable memory until my eight hours of artificially induced zzzz's are complete. I love that it is called a hypnotic, because i have dreams of trancing out on a dance floor with glow sticks and a cat in the hat, well hat, on. But it is more the, god I am so filled with anxiety about bills, love and life's meaning that I cannot stop the ticking bomb that is my plummiting security in this completely artificial construct of a life i have created or been placed in so I nust utilize a witches brew of molecules loosely based on a near extinct plants dna for a moment of peace between the nonstop shrieking of my conscience and soul to keep me alert and edgy all day.
It's thoughts like that, that limit my relationship to really cute girls. As really cute girls never wish to discuss any topic which will add the perspective of insignificance to any quality that they have built their belief of self on. Man I am in a mood tonight...

There is no real reason, other than I have been frightened by the supernatural today. I am only a light admirer of anything occult, in fact I would say I am a devout scientist, and somewhat of a Skeptic. In fact I used to subscribe to Skeptic magazine, which I guess qualifies me as one. So as someone that frowns, and pokes jabs at the believers of any paranormal phenominah(sp?), I predicted three very random things today with perfect accuracy, and perfect timing. It really fucked with my head, cause if I'm psychic why the hell am I just getting it now? And why is it about the most useless shit in the world. I predicted that I would get an email from a certain person whome I hadn't spoken to in weeks. I clicked the refresh button on my screen and it was there, I almost jumped out of my freakin chair. Then I predicted that a certain person would ask me a certain obscure question when they talked to me...it happened. As well I predicted the phone would ring just before it rang, then I saw a bird hit the window of the house, but live and fly away, and holy shit!

Dude, I cannot explain it, but I hope I get an image of somethin valuable that I can work with or for this shit to go away, cause if its here to stay its kinda gay.
God I knew I would end with a lame rhyme!


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