Thursday, August 25, 2005

Should I or Shouldn't I.

There is a really cool apt. available in vancouver that maybe just maybe, I might rent. THAT does not mean I am going to "live" here. As it is, I travel far too much to be considered a resident of any local (which by the way is a hassle on so many legal levels, like where do I insure my car from? I live on two coasts do I choos ethe cheaper or the one I origionally lived in?) .

I am debating this desicion. I really love it here right now, the comedy scene is strong and I would be a welcome addition, but... but... something about it feels too cautious. Something in my head screams NEW YORK YOU FOOL, but my heart says vancouver. What to do. I shouldn't make a rash choice so I will probably wait until I get back from out east and chill into my choices. I mean I love Seattle to and ultimately moving inside the states is easier for me anyway. But I am dissillusioned by the US and the direction it is going in.

Hmm. No answers right now. But I will figure this out. Really nothing funny lately on Nothings Funny. I will need to adjust that with a rant about dating soon.
Cya mia


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