A long ramble about social injustice that does nothing but say it out loud...
Maybe I've been high for too many days in a row, but I am being constantly bombarded by the unfairness that has permeated our society from top to bottom of late.
Didn't our forefathers fight for fairness in the streets with picket signs, and empty bellies so we wouldn't get exploited as a mere resource and disposed of...
Isn't it strange that I cannot fathom anything that would get the people in the streets to really challenge anything.
We have been changed slowly over the last century to creatures with only one concern, ourselves and abandoned the notion of community all to the advantage of corporations, and structured nepotism. What could possibly make us turn off the TV and help our neighbor in a fight for justice? Hell how many of us even know the names of our neighbors that live next to us?
We are the make no waves generation. For years nobody would say anything bad about scientology for fear of litigation, nobody questioned the invasion or Iraq because it would lead to being called unpatriotic, our congressmen won't take on pharmaceuticals or their campaign coffers will empty, someone keeps harrassment quiet at work because they might lose their job... Money, it's all money. We are bad people because we crave money. Because society measures us in money. A fictional value on a peice of worthless paper, issued by a private company on behalf of the goverment. It is both shackle and key for our modern slavery. But we lack any voice or value in our society without access to it. Interpersonal relationships are boosted and torn down because of it.
I look at Walden Pond, and how it is still held in high regard, yet if we tried this expiroment today we would land ourselves in jail as we are not allowed to go off the grid. Tax evasion, squatting, tresspass, poaching there is no existance for legally exploring these ideas in todays world.
Because then we might start asking questions like how can someone own land? If you can't make land or create it how can you own it? And if you go back far enough someone else has rights to all the land that isn't who has rights to it now? So why do we choose some wars our treaties to recognize but not others? Will you give up the land you claim to Own in the next war, or civil war? This is the argument against Cuba today...
Why are poor people forced to carry the brunt of most financially exploitive laws? Are poor people bad? Are we punishing them as a lesson to not be poor? They pay higher fees for everything from check cashing to taxes(percentage wise of total income when you consider sales tax). If this is the case we should just come out and say it, rather than pretend we are all equal. Poor people are bad people, and it's their fault. See thats awsome cause then they might revolt against the status quo, rather than sillily believe they are just as good as the rest of us...while having such a harder go of it all.
It's great that are public schools don't teach logic, and high level math or economic theory, yet we punish people for not understanding it. In no other feild is it buyer beware to the level of economics... if we acted the same way with people and science knowledge we would blame people for not understanding thalidmyde would deform fetal development, hexacelevant chromium in your water is carcinegenic even though normal chromium isn't and your an idiot for getting leukemia...
But fractional banking based on relending the same money out to hundreds of people is a complete economic scam which harvests wealth from people in the guise of providing working capital, yet mathematically much like casinos there is only one winner, the banks.
Or we allow payday advance places to thrive in poor neighborhoods, with extortive interest rates that equal upwards of 800percent! These companies are the ones destroying families, but the math looks okay because the excessive interest is hidden as service charges. How are we OK with this happening to our neighbors that we don't know the name of?
Is the fence accross mexico being built high enough to not hear the cries of injustice? Borders are not where humanity ends, they are our brothers and sisters too, and we should care about them, and not let then be exploited. I cannot see a future in this world where we have evolved, in which we will look back on this age and not be as ashamed of the lack of compassion and general concern for the well veing of others as in this day we live.
And I sit quietly and accept that there is nothing I can do...
So why do i quietly accept that fees on my credit card have increased every year for the last 10 years with no other economic incentive but to see where the tipping point is for my cancelling it... Or how is it that the Tax code has gotten so complicated that in order to fully realize my benefits and deductions I need to employ a professional who I have to pay, in order to pay the government? Or I have to sit and watch the glorification of ethically foul people who exploit others as heroes in the media soully because they are rich, regardless of how they attained their wealth. Many of these people are wealthy because while we the people are told about virtues, and proper behavior they encourage us to follow these rules while they are cruel, crass, decietful, fraudulent, and highly rewarded for it.
Because society has no bite, because we put ourselves not just first in front of our neighbor, but we don't even learn their names...
Quick lets all have more kids!
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