Thursday, October 20, 2005

Ahh memories ...

Day three on my Western Canada tour. I forgot.

Quite simply i forgot. I won't say what but I definately forgot all about it and its back.

Okay bitches lets round up my driving, monday I woke at three am and drove to Banf AB from Vancouver BC, 11 hours, then I drove from Banf to Williams Lake, 10 hours, today I drove from Williams Lake to Penticton, 7 Hours. FUCK!!! My apologies to David Tribble.

My showas are going fine got a partial Standing O in Banf, and by [ppartial I mean twelve people, I sold some hats and went to bed in a Band house that provided free itch, and the security of an abusive stepdads lap.
Williams lake was good but it felt as if our show was interupting a cities planning of a mass suicide pact. A desolate feeling engulfed the smiling eyes, and all in all I hope we did our best to prevent some deaths. On a positive note I riffed 4 minutes of material about my balls, pure genius, and I think I'm a better man for having done it.
I have had no time for socializing after any of the shows as we always have to leave so early in the following am, and tonight will be no different, shows at 10, and we need to leave by nine so I need to close a deal in half an hour after the show or forgo any company. Soo I'll update soon, also I have a great story about my bank bouncing a check of mine that will make you burn with anger and cry...
God bless the children.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, you need to make mention of when you are crusin' thru Alberta - you have fans here!
Is there anywhere else, other than your calendar that has your schedule? Really'd like to know!!

10:18 PM  

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