Friday, September 02, 2005

Apartment Hunting....

Ahh, the questions to think about when deciding to move someplace new.

To live alone? Or to live with someone else?

I am travelling soo much it would be better to get a place with someone, but I'm single and somewhat private. Plus I'm becoming a bit of a health nut, and I don't like smokers... SO where does that leave me.

Well there are two distinctly cool areas of van that I would consider living. One is Downtown where all the shit is happening, and by shit I mean 24 hour restaurants and movies and parks and everything NY has to offer except A gulf of wealth so great it cannot be crossed.
Or Kitsalano. now Kits is a wealthy ex hippie comunity, that is very relaxed, pretty and a little more expensive than downtown.

Its really a tough choice? Do I want to meet beach girls or Goth peirced chicks? Prob the latter, but a tough one none the less.

I just got booked into Harvey's in Portland at the end of the Month which rocks cause I'm gonna blow the doors off that joint. Should be fun:)

Anyways, gotta start surfin for accomidation. By bitches.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must wonder why you would consider which area of town to live in based on the kind of girls that linger. Is this a 'single guy' thing...or are you a real live nymphomaniac? In that case, you may want to consider Surrey.

3:34 PM  
Blogger escarius said...

Well, yeah its a single guy thing... I would like to live close to people i relate to, is that soo weird? Wow judgy mcjudge, surprised you could see me from way up on that pillar of superiority...

12:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous, I live in Surrey and I once went out with this girl from Kerrisdale who was such a nymph she wouldn't stop pulling on my nut sack. Believe it or not socio-economics do not correlate to nymphomania, but pussy size and intelligence, I hear, are conversely related. Pete, I think she qualifies for a free hat, suit's her well.

5:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kits sucks unless you are 24 and half drunk every night. Although I live downtown and still manage to drink everynight? Not all girls downtown are goth with piercings. Tatoos maybe, peircings and black hair , no.
Good luck and when is your next show in Van???

9:17 PM  

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