Thursday, June 30, 2005

I know, I've been bad about posting...

Well I'm sick. Do you feel guilty now? Huh? You should.

I got a cold somehow. It's 90+ degree's everyday here, and I get a cold.
I think it has something to do with my yoga class. I got talked into taking a yoga class the other day, and it was by far the hardedt workout I've had in a while. Now I realize that sounds incredibly gay, but as we all know I'm about a quarter gay so that makes it alright.
I am strangley unflexible. In particular my legs. It hurts where I want to cry, but I think that would have upset the attaining of some spiritual discovery that the others were shootin at.
I do have pretty good balance though, even the teacher commented that I had better balance than most in the class, espescially for a male. So there you go.

I am gonna take more vitamins and go get more rest. I have lots to say, but my nose is running and I keep coughing.

Will be funny and witty and have a really cool story to post tomorrow.

Stay hard america.


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